uPVC Fully Reversible Windows, Polegate & East Sussex

Easy to Maintain uPVC Windows, East Sussex

uPVC Fully Reversible Windows, Polegate

Our uPVC fully reversible windows have been designed to meet the growing requirements for easy to maintain windows in hard to reach places. They are ideal for multi storey and high rise apartment blocks across the Polegate, Eastbourne, Bexhill, Kent and East Sussex area.

With flush fitting casement, uPVC fully reversible windows give a contemporary appearance to any building. They are designed to invite the maximum amount of light into the room. Their unique 180° reversible action means that the external face can be cleaned from the inside of the room and allows a high level of ventilation.

Designed to flood light into your East Sussex home with easy maintenance, their unique reversible action means you can clean the external glass from the inside of your home, safely and securely. Child safety catches restrict the aperture so that children or pets cannot fall through, without compromising on ventilation.

Benefits of uPVC Fully Reversible Windows


Our uPVC fully reversible windows feature internal beading for better security and easy glazing. Reversible windows are designed to be safe and secure. This makes this range the perfect choice for high rise buildings.


These uPVC fully reversible windows are available with sloped, semi sloped, or featured co extruded beading depending on your personal tastes. Choose from a range of hardware and your choice of colour and finish.

Easy to Clean

If you want to maximise on space, uPVC fully reversible windows offer ventilation and easy access for cleaning. The window rotates on its own axis, allowing airflow and then rotating further to make cleaning the outer glass easier.

homecare why choose us

Why Choose Us?

We have over 30 years of service fitting top quality uPVC reversible windows across the Polegate and the East Sussex area. That makes us one of the most established and long running businesses in the region, having started fitting double glazing in 1988.

Our highly trained and fully insured window fitters will ensure your new uPVC fully reversible windows are installed with minimal disruption. For your peace of mind, all our uPVC windows come with a 10 year guarantee.

Our uPVC fully reversible windows come with our efficient double glazed units and each window is made to measure. Our expert window fitters will ensure your new uPVC window is fully insulated so your home retains heat and stays draught free all year round.

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Request uPVC Fully Reversible Windows Prices in & Around Polegate & East Sussex Today

Request a quote today on fully reversible windows by contacting the Homecare team today.

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uPVC Window Quotes, East Sussex

uPVC Fully Reversible Window Prices for Your Polegate Property

You can speak to a member of our team regarding any of our products or services, including requesting quotes for our unique fully reversible windows.

Use our contact form today, and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Get in touch with the Homecare Exteriors team today!

Visit our Showroom

If you would like to see our stunning home improvement products in person, visit our local Polegate showroom today. A member of our in-house, expert team can also consult you regarding your desired home renovations. Whether you're looking for a replacement window, new kitchen or a set of bifold doors, we can advise you on your options and provide an accurate price. Visit us today!

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